I came across this antique clock recently and I think it is magnificent.

Vous avez l’heure?   Do you have the time?
Oui, il est neuf heures et demie du matin.   Yes, it is nine thirty in the morning.

This is a French Morbier Pendulum Clock

French Morbier Pendulum Clock

Grauhlet is located in southern France in the Tarn department which was created in 1790 “pendant la Révolution française”.  Cette horloge est datée vers 1830.     This clock is dated 1830 and is still fully functional and has a charming chime.

Porcelain Morbier Clock Face

Morbier Porcelain Clock Face

As in Rod Stuarts song “Maggie May”; it’s late September and here in Utah night comes early at this time of the year (En française, la nuit tombe tôt en cette saison).  The growing season is over now that the days are shorter and cooler.  Our garden was beautiful this summer and we had a great harvest (Le jardin a été beau cette été et nous avons eu une grande récolte).  My wife has been busy canning the past couple of weeks, I am amazed at the food stores she has produced.  Stay tuned for future posts regarding this canning of food items (mettre en conserve) .

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